Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School?

So I'm pretty sure that the kids' preschool teacher thinks that I'm an idiot. If she doesn't then she has a heart of gold. Not only did I miss the open house and then see her later that night looking like an idiot like "uh, was that today" but I got up this morning, got Haylie all dressed and ready, ( I even straightened her hair and painted her toenails to match her outfit) only to show up at the school and find out that school starts tomorrow. Nice. The awesomest part was that nobody was even in the house. The teacher was gone dropping her own daughter off at her preschool. So we just go in, as per the instructions, take off our shoes and go down the stairs. To the unlit, silent basement. Maybe at that point I should have sensed that something was wrong and taken my kids outside to sit and wait on the porch. But not me. Oh no. We just plop down and wait. I am the greatest mother in the world. Oh well. We'll try again tomorrow.

I would just like to say that I took some really cute pics of Haylie getting ready and walking to school that I will post on Thursday. On her real first day of school.